
Inspector is a panel on the right-hand side of the document window. It shows editable values for the current selection in Workspace or Browser. Only sections relevant to your current selection will be visible, for example Text section is only visible for Text Layers.

Inspector PanelInspector Panel



Inspector Section for NameInspector Section for Name

Layers and Scenes have names, which can be changed in this Inspector section. Scene names must be unique within a document and Layer names must be unique within their Scene. If you try to use a name, which is already taken, Drama will automatically pick next available name by appending a numeric suffix.

Layer names are important in Magic Move transitions, where layers of the same name get automatic animations. If you rename a layer, which is using automatic animations in Magic Move, Drama will offer you an action to rename all connected Layers at once.


Opacity & Masking

Inspector Section for Opacity & MaskingInspector Section for Opacity & Masking

Layers can be rendered with full or partial opacity, which can be controlled in this Inspector section. Opacity attribute affects Fill, Stroke, Shadow, and also all child layers. Masking is available for all layers, except Groups, and can be configured in 3 modes:

Masking OptionsMasking Options

Don’t Mask

No masking is applied, all child layers and sibling layers are fully visible.

Child Layers

Child layers are masked using their parent, so that parts of child layers that lie outside of this layer are not visible.

Sibling Layers

The layer will mask its sibling layers (layers that share the same parent), so that parts of sibling layers that lie outside of this layer aren’t visible.



Inspector Section for Rectangle LayerInspector Section for Rectangle Layer

This section is only available for Rectangle layers. It allows you to change corner radius and to disable rounding of each of the 4 corners individually.



Inspector Section for Oval LayerInspector Section for Oval Layer

This section is only available for Oval layers. It allows you to change start angle and end angle, which makes the layer to draw only a part of an oval. You can also make oval segments opened or closed.

Opened ovals segments cannot render some placements of Stroke, due to the lack of proper “inside area”.



Inspector Section for Polygon LayerInspector Section for Polygon Layer

This section is only available for Polygon layers. It allows you to specify the number of sides.



Inspector Section for Star LayerInspector Section for Star Layer

This section is only available for Star layers. It allows you to specify the number of spikes and their depth ratio. Ratio is expressed in percentage relative to layer dimensions.


Scrolling & Paging

Inspector Section for ScrollingInspector Section for Scrolling Inspector Section for PagingInspector Section for Paging

This section is only available for Scroll Layers and its content is dynamic. You can set scrolling mode by clicking on the section title, where you can pick scrolling or paging in one or both axes. Text fields of this section are available depending on the selected scroll mode:

Scrolling OptionsScrolling Options


When Scroll Layer is in the standard scroll mode, you can set content offset and content size. In simulation, this will behave like a standard scroll view.


When Scroll Layer is in the paging mode, you can set the current page and number of pages. In simulation, this will make the layer to snap the scrolled content to page boundaries.


Symbol Layer

Inspector Section for Symbol Layer Inspector Section for Symbol Layer

This section is only available for Symbol Layers. It allows you to change the displayed Scene and its resizing behavior. Another section is dedicated to configuring Scene Parameters, if the displayed Scene have published any.


Scene Size

Inspector Section for Scene SizeInspector Section for Scene Size

This section is only available for Scenes. It allows you to set dimensions for currently selected scenes. In addition to entering the width and height manually, you can pick one of the predefined sizes, which include common screen resolutions.

List of iPhone Screen SizesList of iPhone Screen Sizes


Symbol Scene

Inspector Section for Scene Symbol SettingsInspector Section for Scene Symbol Settings

This section is only available for Scenes. It allows you to disable reusing currently selected scene as a Symbol. It also allows you to manage Scene Parameters used by those Symbols.



Inspector Section for TimelineInspector Section for Timeline

This section is only available for Scenes with Animations. It allows you to preview the currently selected scene at any animation time by hovering mouse above the playback line.

To change animation time of the scene, click on the playback line or enter the time into the text field. You can also change total duration of animations by entering a new value into the duration text field.



Inspector Section for ProjectionInspector Section for Projection

This section is only available for Scenes. It allows you to change how 3D content is rendered, either orthographically or in perspective. For perspective, you can also set vanishing point and the field of view.

If Scene has perspective enabled and this Inspector section is opened, a green movable control is displayed in Workspace over the selected scene. You can drag this control to change the position of vanishing point for 3D content.

Control for Scene Vanishing PointControl for Scene Vanishing Point



Inspector Section for Text LayerInspector Section for Text Layer

This section configures text and is only available for Text Layers. Pickers for font family and font face offer all fonts installed on your computer. You can use alignment options to place text within the layer bounds.

You can also adjust line spacing and character spacing in terms of extra space proportional to the line height or text size.


Bezier Point

Inspector Section for Bezier PointInspector Section for Bezier Point

This section is only available when editing Bezier Layers. It allows you to set position of selected bezier points and their curvature radius.


Resizing Constraints

Default Resizing ConstraintsDefault Resizing Constraints Customized Resizing ConstraintsCustomized Resizing Constraints

This Inspector section allows you to configure resizing behavior of selected layers, except when nested in a Group. You can toggle 6 attributes to make them rigid or flexible:

Changing these won’t move or resize selected layer in Workspace, but will affect how this selected layer behaves when its parent layer is resized.

Resizing configuration affects content of Inspector section for Position & Dimension. It also changes available attributes of the layer for Animations and Drivers.


Position & Dimension

Inspector Section for Position & DimensionInspector Section for Position & Dimension Relative Position & DimensionRelative Position & Dimension

Content of this Inspector section is dynamic and it depends on resizing configuration set in Inspector section for Resizing Constraints. In default configuration, this section shows text fields for top, left, width, and height attributes, but in other configurations it may also show right and bottom attributes.

In some resizable configurations, some of these attributes may be expressed in percentage (using % suffix), when the position or dimension of the selected layer is relative to the size of its parent layer. When you change resizing configuration, the appropriate attributes are re-calculated so that the layer doesn’t change its apparent position or dimension.

Text field for Z position attribute is always present and isn’t affected by resizing configuration. Setting Z position to non-zero value makes the selected layer enter 3D space.


Rotation & Scale

Inspector Section for Rotation & ScaleInspector Section for Rotation & Scale

This section offers editing for rotations along all 3 major axes, uniform scaling, and position of anchor point. Most common rotation is along the Z axis, since rotating along X or Y axes makes layer enter 3D space.

Anchor point is a point around which the layer rotates and is also used as the base for scaling. By defaut, it’s placed in top left corner (0%, 0%). Typical values are 0%, 50%, and 100%, but you can set any value, even outside of this range.

Opening this Inspector section will show a green anchor point for the selected layer in Workspace. You can change anchor by moving this green point.

Control for Layer Anchor pointControl for Layer Anchor point



Inspector Section for FillInspector Section for Fill

This section specifies what is rendered inside of the layers’s shape. You can turn the Fill off, to make it fully transparent. Fill can be a solid color, a gradient, or an image and you can change it by clicking the sample button, which will open a popover.

Popover for FillPopover for Fill


For a simple Color Fill, you can choose color using hue, saturation and brightness controls.

Editor for Fill ColorEditor for Fill Color

Colors can also be entered manually in various formats, including RGB components and hex strings. To change color format, click the labels above text fields.

List of Color FormatsList of Color Formats


Gradient Fill allows you to specify a series of colors to be smoothly rendered in the selected layer. Gradient can be rendered as linear, radial, or angular by selecting appropriate button in the top part of the Fill popover.

Editor for Fill GradientEditor for Fill Gradient

Each of these gradient types has specialized controls in Workspace to set endpoints, centers, or radius. These are visible when the Fill popover is opened.

Linear Gradient ControlsLinear Gradient Controls Radial Gradient ControlsRadial Gradient Controls Angular Gradient ControlsAngular Gradient Controls


Image Fill allows you to use any existing image file as a layer fill by dropping a supported image file into the popover or on the layer in the Workspace.

Editor for Fill ImageEditor for Fill Image

In addition, you can choose one of the 4 fitting modes for the image: aspect fit, aspect fill, stretch, and center. These affect how the image is rendered when it has different size than the layer.

Image Fitting ModesImage Fitting Modes



Inspector Section for StrokeInspector Section for Stroke

This section specifies how stroke line around the layer’s fill area is rendered. Once you turn Stroke on, you can set line width and its placement: inside, center, or outside. Stroke can be a solid color, a gradient, or an image and you can change it by clicking the sample button, which will open a popover.

Popover for StrokePopover for Stroke

The popover also allows you to specify line caps, line join, and a stroke pattern.

Additional Stroke OptionsAdditional Stroke Options


For a simple Color Stroke, you can choose color using hue, saturation and brightness controls.

Editor for Stroke ColorEditor for Stroke Color

Colors can also be entered manually in various formats, including RGB components and hex strings. To change color format, click the labels above text fields.

List of Color FormatsList of Color Formats


Gradient Stroke allows you to specify a series of colors to be smoothly rendered in the selected layer. Gradient can be rendered as linear, radial, or angular by selecting appropriate button in the top part of the Stroke popover.

Editor for Stroke GradientEditor for Stroke Gradient

Each of these gradient types has specialized controls in Workspace to set endpoints, centers, or radius. These are visible when the Stroke popover is opened.

Linear Gradient ControlsLinear Gradient Controls Radial Gradient ControlsRadial Gradient Controls Angular Gradient ControlsAngular Gradient Controls


Image Stroke allows you to use any existing image file as a layer stroke by dropping a supported image file into the popover.

Editor for Stroke ImageEditor for Stroke Image

In addition, you can choose one of the 4 fitting modes for the image: aspect fit, aspect fill, stretch, and center. These affect how the image is rendered when it has different size than the layer.

Image Fitting ModesImage Fitting Modes



Inspector Section for ShadowInspector Section for Shadow

This Inspector section allows you to turn on and configure shadow of the selected layer. Shadow will be rendered beneath the non-transparent parts of the layer and all of its child layers. You can change color, offset, and blur radius of the shadow by clicking the sample button, which will open a popover.

Popover for ShadowPopover for Shadow



Inspector Section for BlurInspector Section for Blur

This Inspector section allows you to turn on and configure blurring of the selected layer. A layer can apply blur in two ways: on its children or on the layers beneath it. For both modes, you can set the radius of the blur in the provided text field.



No Layer BehaviorNo Layer Behavior Dragging Layer BehaviorDragging Layer Behavior

This Inspector section allows you to change and configure draggable behavior for the selected layer. When layer is configured as draggable in one or both axes, it can be dragged around in Simulator or in the Mirror App.

Layer Behavior OptionsLayer Behavior Options

Dragging nicely pairs with Drivers, which allows you to build interactive scenes.

Not to be confused with Magic Drag, which is a special Cause of Events for trigerring Magic Move transitions.



Inspector Section for EventInspector Section for Event

In this bottom section fo the Inspector, you will see all Events related to the currently selected Layer or Scene. You can also add or edit existing Events and Transitions right from here.



Inspector Section for TransitionInspector Section for Transition

When you select a transition arrow between two Scenes in Workspace, you can change its duration, its Cause, and its type.


Timeline Selection

Inspector Section for Timeline SelectionInspector Section for Timeline Selection

This section is only visible when editing Animations in Scene or when editing Magic Move transition. It allows you to set exact start time, duration, and Timing Function of the selected animations.